Ritzio International Group
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Legalizing Russian money? How Maksym Krippa promotes GGBet in Ukraine
The Ukrainian gambling market is so tempting for representatives of Russia. This time we are talking about the casino and bookmaker GGBet, which received a license almost a year ago. De facto, the company belongs to a Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa, which does not prevent it from having very close ties with Russia.
Тіньовий шлях Максима Кріппи: як онлайн-казино, фейки та гроші формують його імідж в Україні
Максим Кріппа – пафосний шахрай та прислужник ФСБ. Навіщо цей слизький тип і «мийник» брудних російських грошей так масово спамить фейками та фальшивими новинами в інформаційному просторі?
Maksym Krippa’s web of deception: The hidden life of a notorious fraudster
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are notable Ukrainian entrepreneurs, each operating in very different sectors. Polyakov, frequently likened to Elon Musk, focuses on space technology and innovation, launching rockets, nurturing talented youth, and promoting innovation.
Maksym Krippa’s web of deception: The hidden life of a notorious fraudster
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are notable Ukrainian entrepreneurs, each operating in very different sectors. Polyakov, frequently likened to Elon Musk, focuses on space technology and innovation, launching rockets, nurturing talented youth, and promoting innovation.
"Fake man" Maksym Krippa: the hidden truth about underground casinos, porn business, and ties to the "Russian World" lover Malofeev
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both successful entrepreneurs from Ukraine, but they operate in different spheres. Polyakov may indeed resemble Elon Musk, as he is associated with space technologies and innovations. He launches rockets, gives talented youth smiles, and grants…
"Ghost man" Maksym Krippa: biography of a businessman who cleared the traces of his activities in the porn industry and illegal casinos
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both successful entrepreneurs from Ukraine, but they operate in different spheres. Polyakov may indeed resemble Elon Musk, as he is associated with space technologies and innovations. He launches rockets, gives talented youth smiles, and grants…
GGBet, EvoPlay and Vulkan: Maksym Krippa brings Russian schemes to the Ukrainian gambling market
The Ukrainian gambling market is so tempting for representatives of Russia. This time we are talking about the casino and bookmaker GGBet, which received a license almost a year ago. De facto, the company belongs to a Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa, which does not prevent it from having very close ties with Russia.
GGBet, EvoPlay and Vulkan: Maksym Krippa brings Russian schemes to the Ukrainian gambling market
The Ukrainian gambling market is so tempting for representatives of Russia. This time we are talking about the casino and bookmaker GGBet, which received a license almost a year ago. De facto, the company belongs to a Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa, which does not prevent it from having very close ties with Russia.
Behind the curtain of fakes: How the "puppet" of Russian oligarchs Maksym Krippa buys up Ukrainian media
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another. For the last year, Tetiana Snopko, a Dnipro citizen, has already purchased two media holdings and is obviously willing to buy more.
How partner of Russian oligarchs and owner of the "Vulkan" casino Maksym Krippa buys up Ukrainian media
There is a new growing media baron in Ukraine who almost unnoticeably to the wider public buys up mass media one after another. For the last year, Tetiana Snopko, a Dnipro citizen, has already purchased two media holdings and is obviously willing to buy more.
Як поплічник російських олігархів Максим Кріппа скуповує українські медіа
Майже непомітно для широкого загалу в Україні з’являється новий медіамагнат, який активно скуповує засоби масової інформації. За останній рік жителька міста Дніпро Тетяна Снопко вже придбала два медіахолдинги і, схоже, готується до нових угод.
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